Herbal Consultation


Humans have been using plants as medicine for thousands of years. Without modern scientific knowledge, doctors in ancient China used herbs to prevent and heal diseases successfully. Their knowledge came from trial and error, repeatedly tasting and testing herbs as medicine. Through this process, Chinese doctors came to understand medicinal plants by their ‘directionality’. When ingested, herbs (and foods) have a specific direction or vector in the body, such as up, down, in, or out. For example, when we eat hot/spicy foods, the acrid flavor and warm temperature push our qi up and out, causing a mild sweat and flushing on the face.

The directionality of an herb is determined by its flavor and temperature. Each herb’s flavor (sweet, bitter, sour, acrid, salty, bland) and temperature (cold, cool, neutral, warm, hot) determine its therapeutic effect on the body. For instance, Cinnamon Twig (Gui Zhi, 桂枝) is acrid, sweet, and warm. Gui Zhi’s acrid and warm qualities create movement and focus the body’s attention up and out to the surface. Thus, Gui Zhi is an excellent herb for treating specific cold and flu presentations and certain types of joint pain and arthritis. In Chinese medicine, illness is also recognized as having directionality and more often than not, illnesses present with more than one vector. In order to address this, Chinese herbal formulas are often multi-layered in their approach to treatment.

Chinese herbs are prescribed as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with acupuncture and bodywork. To experience Chinese herbal medicine as a stand-alone treatment method, schedule an herbal consultation. If you are looking for a multifaceted approach to your health concerns that includes herbal medicine, acupuncture, and bodywork, schedule a Chinese medicine treatment.
The herbs I source in my pharmacy are all high-quality and lab-tested for heavy metals and pesticides. When I prescribe an herbal formula, you are always taking top-quality medicine. My herbs come from Kamwo, Spring Wind Herbs, and Nuherbs.

*Please note that appointment cost does not include the price of herbs.


First-time herbal consultations and Chinese medicine treatments include a comprehensive medical intake outlining your health history and current health goals. Along with your medical intake, I will assess your tongue and pulse to gain further diagnostic information. After our discussion, I will write you a customized herbal formula based on your unique health concern(s).


During follow-up visits, we discuss the changes you feel from taking herbs. How your body shifts and responds to your formula is important diagnostic information that informs treatment strategy moving forward. The dosage and length of time you take your formula will depend on your individual case.